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Tuesday, 08 November 2005
"Debocracy" came about because my web guru suggested I establish my own domain name.  I lost many contacts each time I changed ISPs and this allowed me to keep the same email address regardless of who provided the internet services.  I tried using my real name, but no one could remember it, let alone how to spell it.  Thus, "debocracy."

I am middle-aged.  However, I spent the last 8 years in college and law school, which seems to have run the clock backward a bit.  Most of my friends are 25 years younger than me, and they are shocked when reminded that I am actually quite a bit older than they are.  So I try not to do that too often.

I have two adult children, three grandchildren :) and lots of friends.  I would like to add to my collection. 

I love writing, internet communicating, and gardening.

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