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Men, save yourselves! Support feminism! PDF  | Print |  E-mail
Tuesday, 08 November 2005
Trying to work through my family history while in college, I wrote a research paper about domestic violence.  Now, four generations of children in my family have been raised in an atmosphere of violence and emotional blackmail. I would like to see an end to this crippling pattern.

Findings of the Research Paper

First, men control women by sulking.  Women are not really human to men.  Women are viewed as utilities.  If women do not respond in a programmed manner, within their assigned role, they are shunned and shut out of a man's consciousness.  Then, they have the nerve to wonder why we nag?  KMA.

Second: the women's shelter movement has saved men's lives at a much greater rate than women's lives.  The death rate for men has decreased by two-thirds since shelters became commonplace.  The death rate for women, meanwhile, has stayed static.  Ironic?  Not really.  Women given a chance will escape from a lethal relationship.  The ones who don't see a way out, die.  So, men should thank the goddess for the women's liberation movement and feminism. 


Please see http://www.debocracy.org/womenundergun.html#app1 for the data analysis that supports my contention that the Women's Liberation Movement has saved men's lives more often than women's lives.

Tragically, shelters only have the capacity to help women with children.  It is imperative, in order to save the lives of more men and more women, that shelter capacity increase and become more inclusive.

Here's the link to the entire paper.

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